03 Hacks to Put Your Cautious Foot Forward Towards Employee Internet Monitoring

Well, it’s a bitter truth that free and unlimited internet is like an open treasure. Especially to those who came to office only to prove their presence and showing how busy bee they are.

Opening their excel sheet on one and Facebook or other social media sites on another, these segments of employees take most of the bandwidth, slowing down the official work and decreasing the productivity of the agency. 

So how to find these employees?

How to stop them from using the internet for their personal exposure?

Well, are you also fighting from these queries and want to fix it?

If yes, then, fortunately, you have landed on the right article.

What you only have to do is, continue reading till the end.

So without wasting any time, let’s dive and learn Employee internet monitoring

Most fruitful techniques to control internet usage by your workforce.

  • Ban the unproductive sites.

Restricting particular sites can help you to handle the parasitic section of the workforce. 

Yes, this is correct, but not entirely.

There are countless websites present over the internet other than Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and many more.

Banning them is also not feasible and efficient at all.

It is because many of the social media sites can be a part of work in your business.

Hence, going manually and figuring out unnecessary websites is the only way by which you can handle this crisis.

  • Monitor the internet usage of your employees.

Have you heard about monitoring employees’ computers ?

Basically, it is the practice by which the authority of an organization keeps the track record of employees’ computer activity from a centralized location. By this, they can see how an employee is spending their hours during work.

No, they don’t do it manually or using surveillance cameras.

Instead, they use innovative software termed as Employee monitoring software. 

By this software, you are allowed to monitor any website that is opened in the browser and get it saved in the cloud storage immediately.

  • Track the traffic and bandwidth usage of your workforce.

Mapping the traffic and bandwidth usage from every single computer will help you to see and find which system is using extra internet from the usual ones. And hence you can take action on them. 

Now the question arises how?

  1. To efficiently trace the bandwidth usage of your employees’ computers, you can install tools, which have the capacity to find the users who are hogging the internet and blocking the bandwidth. 
  1. To handle such users, you can use software that has a feature called the firewall. By using this, you can create a boundary separating a trusted internal network and untrusted external network and hence can secure your network very efficiently.

Tieing them up:

Since the internet is a very precious asset of an organization, it must be used productively.

However some parasitic workforce is using it for leisure, causing a breakdown in the productivity of organizations.

But innovations and technology have opened the doors for employers by providing them the tools to track employees’ internet usage.

So why to waste time. Use the above tips and catch the collar of employees wearing the mask of productivity. 

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