How Productivity Monitoring Can Help You To Empower Your Employees?


As an employer, you should know what your employees are doing in their working hours. But there might be some employees who balk from being monitored. However, productivity monitoring is not only beneficial to employers but for employees as well. Tracking productivity could help employers to learn about work engagement from each and every employee. Thus you can say that monitoring can help employees to make their efforts recognizable. And they might even be able to gain some rewards for their outstanding job. If you also want to implement such a work culture in your business, then instead of only penalizing for mistakes, you should also consider rewarding your employees for achieving goals and deadline tasks on time.

In this article, we will show you some secrets to getting your staffers on board with productivity tracking. Here we go!

Analyze Productivity:

Measuring productivity, employers have to consider several factors like work hours, employee presence & work engagement, task completion, etc. When you are tracking productivity, make sure that it gives you a clear view regarding the work progress in your business. That way, you can analyze the performance of your workforce. Doing so, you can also provide them with new opportunities and responsibilities to enhance their professional skills. That way, you can not only keep track of productivity but also provide your staffers with enough opportunities for their career growth. Using the best productivity monitoring software like EmpMonitor, employers can not only track the productivity of the firm, but also check the employee work engagement.

Workplace Transparency:

Instead of secretly surveilling the workforce, the employer should inform their staffers about the monitoring policy of their company. So the staffers won’t have any feeling of mistrust. To make your employees accountable, the employer should ensure that their employees are okay with the monitoring policy of the company. If there are any concerns, it is better to face them head-on instead of hiding it. So that both employers and employees can be sure about the transparency in the workplace, and there won’t be any rumors and disinformations that can harm business productivity.

Culture Of Reward & Recognition:

Employee productivity monitoring not only helps you to learn about the productivity issues of your form, but it would also inform you about the work accomplishment of your employees. Rewarding such people would also help you to encourage other employees in your organization. And this will help you to bring out the potential of each and every employee in your firm. And it would also help you to gain more productivity in your business.

Hear Your Employees:

Being a business owner, you might have some expectations with your employees. However, there is a possibility that some staffers in your workforce may not be able to accomplish their tasks, while they won’t like to take risks that can affect their performance. In such a case, you should discuss with your employees about the goals and missions of your company. It will help you to learn about their concerns and their potential to handle different situations. And accordingly, you can take action to grow productivity in your business.

Team Responsibility:

Blaming a single person for any productivity issues could create a feeling of insecurity in the employees. Instead, a team should take responsibility for any productivity issues in the business. Though monitoring can help you to learn about the personal shortcomings of some employees. But such things can also be repeated by other employees. For a leader, it is essential to make their team learn from their mistakes and take responsibility to deliver the best results for the business.


If you want to learn  that How you can Check Production Of Employees With EmpMonitor?

Then, I suggest you should watch this video.

Wrapping Words:

As an employer, you shouldn’t be totally fixated on the metrics. Though numbers can help you to get a trace of productivity in your business, it won’t change anything until the employees would not give their best for the business. Productivity monitoring would not only help you with your business growth but also help the employees to enhance their work performance and improve their professional skill sets. If you have the above-shown objectives in your mind, then implementing productivity monitoring can really help you to improve the workflow in your business.

Hope you really like this article and if you have anything to share with us, please mention that in the comments section given below.

5 Ways To Manage Remote Employees For Improving Work Engagement and Productivity:

The recent crisis due to coronavirus pandemic is a wakeup call for the companies who haven’t prepared themselves to implement work from home policy. More and more companies are looking for telecommuting options for their business. However, there is still a big question in front of such companies, since they can’t monitor the activity of their remote workers. How can they check the performance and work engagement of their employees?

The only answer to the same question is remote employee monitoring software. If you still have doubts, you should check this article in which I am showing you the ways to manage remote employees using the best employee monitoring software:

Understanding The Remote Work Challenges:

When you are doing business with remotely working employees, you might face several business challenges. It won’t be easier for you to supervise the work activities of each and every employee. While communication also seems to be quite a problem that can hurdle the progress of your work. Without proper communication, it would be difficult for employers to assign various tasks and projects between the team members. And there might be some other distractions like accidentally spilling a coffee mug, or a toddler may cry a lot, which can hinder the work progress. Understanding such challenges, both employers and employees need to take preventive measures to avoid such distractions that can halt the productivity of the business.

Set Clear Productivity Standards:

Productivity Standards

Based on the job, productivity standards may also vary. For a company that wants to get 8 hours of productivity from employees, they would expect 9 am to 5 pm active work time for their business. In such a case, employers expect accountability from their employees for nine to fiver work time. However, when you check the individual work productivity, make sure to track their work records. And find whether they have completed their respective deadline tasks on time or not.

For example: If an employee is giving 40 hours of work productivity in a week, then it seems fine. But when you are analyzing individual work performance, you also need to know- how efficiently they are completing their deadline tasks on time.

Tools Needed To Work Remotely:

Remote Working Tools

An essential aspect of implying the remote work policy is that you need some tools that would help you to track the work progress of your employees. While you also need to make sure to establish proper communication with staffers so that you can also plan for future projects in your business.

In such a case, what you need is the best remote employees monitoring software like EmpMonitor. That can help the manager to remotely track the individual activities of each and every employee in the workplace. Indeed considering communication, you can also invest in some of the best telecommuting software like Zoom, Team viewers, Trello, Asana. That will help you to deal with the various work implications in your business.

Team Meeting For Work Discussion:

Team Meeting

Team meetings are quite casual in a regular workplace. And it can also help the leader to foster coagulate teamwork. As I have told you above, to implement telecommuting software, it would be easier for an employer to conduct team meetings with remote workers. Using emails, chatting, and video conferencing, the team can foster internal interaction to help each other with work. And this would evidently help employers to improve teamwork and production efficiency in their business.

Follow Up With Remote Workers:

Regular Follow-up

Now that you have done all the things needed to implement remote work from home culture in your organization. As an employer, you should also keep a keen eye on the work performance of staffers. With EmpMonitor remote monitoring software, employers can check the individual work records of each employee. And that would also help them to track employee engagement. By recognizing the best efforts of employees, employers can further encourage their workforce to bring more work engagement for the business.


So have you thought about implementing remote work in your organization? But before that you should consider the above-shown points. Especially you need to make the best use of technology to improve communication and work engagement in your business. And by using the best remote employee monitoring software, you can keep the productivity intact in your organization.

If you have any further queries, please watch this video to learn about remote work management:-