Work from home has become one of the most emerging trends which every organization and company is following. Work from home delivers many benefits such as increased productivity, greater work-life balance, and boost performance. 

On one hand, where work from home seems to be a luxury option, on the other hand, it comes with a lot of challenges. Less communication, lots of distractions, and less accountability than when you are working from office space. But this doesn’t mean that work from home is impossible. You can be more productive and sane at the same time while working from home. 

Here are some excellent work from home tips which will help you to get more job done and get the most of your remote work hours – 

  • Create a separate workspace.

This is one of the most important aspects that you need to take care of while working from home. Dedicate one area of your home especially as your workspace. This place can be a corner of your bedroom or space/room that you can convert into the work office. 

Set up your system and office supplies, give that place an office feeling. A particular space should be created where you will commit to working every single day. Also, make sure you select areas where the noise and other disturbances are very less. This will help you to focus while working.

  • Set up firm working hours.

Another most important thing while working from home is to set up real work hours. The super advantage of wfh is flexible work hours. Set your time accordingly. Like if you have children who need to go to school in the morning then you can choose the afternoon hours. Manage your time wisely. 

Set up your time and stick to it regularly. Remember, be punctual and firm with your working hours. Also, make sure you inform your boss, managers, and your colleagues about your timing. 

  • Know your golden hour.

Every person is productive at different times of the day. Let’s say some people are most focused, productive in the morning hours. And some are evening people. They are more concentrated and focused in the evening hours. 

To know when you are most productive, you can make use of work from home productivity tracking software like EmpMonitor. This tool will help you calculate your productive and nonproductive hours and also measure the idle time. Accordingly, you can adjust your schedule and start working. 

  • Update your to-do list every day.

When you are working from home, it is very important to manage and keep track of your work. It is very easy to lose sight of deadlines, tasks, and priorities. 

To avoid such things, you have to create and update your to-do list every single day. Plan your work accordingly and stick to the schedule. You will get more job done if you plan and work wisely. Allot time limit to each task that needs to be done and try to complete it at that time only. Be strict!

  • Say bye-bye to your pajamas.

Never work on your pajamas. One of the obvious reasons people love working from home is because they can put their favorite pajamas on and work all day. But do you know you are killing your productivity? 

Mindset matters a lot. Even if you are working from home make sure you get up and be ready as you are going to the office. If you do this, you will always be ready to handle a video chat or video call from your managers, teammates. Dressing up helps you to get prepared for work mentally as well as physically. 

Apart from the above tips, there are a few more important things that you should take care of, if you want to be productive even while working from home – 

  • Say big no to all your social media channels. Put off the notifications. 
  • Do not work in your living room as it can be the most distracting place to work in.
  • Always take short breaks. Do not work non-stop. Give rest to your eyes and brain. 
  • Talk to your family, friends, and close ones in your lunchtime.
  • Stay attentive towards security risks.
  • Use professional collaboration and communication tools like Telegram, Google Hangout.
  • Use work from home productivity monitoring tools to track your work and time.

To work from home effectively, you must keep in mind the above-mentioned tips. If followed properly I am sure you are going to boost your productivity. Keep a regular check-in with your co-workers, manage your time wisely, and keep your internet connection proper. Nothing can stop you from being successful and productive.

A Complete Guide To Employee Tracking Software: It’s Why & How?

Most of us have worked alongside people who usually don’t take their responsibilities properly. Either we see them surfing the internet or playing online games or chatting with friends on social media using the company devices. In short, there are always many people around who inappropriately use their official computers. 

As working online has increased, so has remote employees, and freelancers have exacerbated. As the freedom of employees has increased, employers need a way to ensure they stay truthful and efficient. It is the time where the tracking software for employees comes in.

Employee tracking software helps in tracking time, protecting confidential data, and controlling the productivity of each employee. It may help employers detect inappropriate use, such as unauthorized web or device searches, time spent on unproductive applications, etc. It can also help to monitor every keystroke made by an employee, and capture their screens in real-time. Best of all, custom rules and regulations that employers can set and modify at any time will automatically detect inappropriate use.

If any breach takes place, it will immediately notify employers along with the proof. Many employee software monitoring applications also allow employers to take the remote access of the employee’s computer if necessary. In simple terms, employee tracking or monitoring software is an inclusive tool that provides complete control to the employers to keep a check on their employee’s computer activities easily. 

Thus, If you are planning to start using employee monitoring software, then this guide will help you choose the best one for your business.  

What is Employee Tracking Software? 

This software provides employers with a range of tools and features that monitor employee actions and record them on the clock. It involves the websites that are accessed by the employees, messages sent, the applications they use and the files they open. Employee monitoring objective is twofold: ensuring that company policies and rules are not broken and ensuring efficiency and transparency for employees. 

How To Choose The Best Tracking Software? 

Are you willing to know which features are available in these tracking software and which ones you need when selecting an employee management system. Check out the below-mentioned points which help you choose the best software for your company.

Website Monitoring:

Website tracking features help to monitor the pages that a user is accessing, usually including the date and time of access of the webpage. Often you can set up lists of prohibited or potentially harmful websites and webpages. All these things could get identified by the best workplace tracking program and warn employers when their employees are visiting such pages. If a user visits these flagged pages regularly, it will become apparent that they frequently access non-work-related or restricted content on the productive hours.

Apps monitoring:

Application tracking features work more or less similar to website monitoring software. If an employee is playing games in the productive hours, or using applications irrelevant to work, the manager can check the time and date when and for how much time that particular application is used. There are few software which also provides screenshots along with screen recording of every activity.

Keystroke logging:

Keystroke logging records every key that a user hits over every program during a session. Date and time-stamped logs appear together with a guide as to which program was running and the keystrokes occurred inside the file or device.


Many employee monitoring software solutions provide periodic snapshots that give managers a clear window into workplace behavior at a given time frame. Some also record video excerpts so that at some point, administrators can check exactly what a user was doing.

Reporting options:

Most of the software solutions come with different reporting features. The best software helps you in providing custom reports which generate graphical charts as per your required preferences. Some software also provides the total production, as well as non-productive hours of the employees, work done.  


Getting a solution including all features under the heavy rain can be a daunting task. For example, some software would either cost high and have steeper learning curves in comparison to the other tools. Thus, if you are willing to strike a balance between effectiveness and comprehensiveness, then consider the above-mentioned things while choosing the best employee tracking software for your company.